Advice for Life Blog

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The Advice for Life Blog

Gurpreet Sidhu on contact allergies

Contact Allergy

Contact dermatitis is when you touch something that causes redness or rash to appear on your skin. It can be itchy, irritating, tender or blister, but isn’t contagious nor a serious condition. It is caused by contact with something (an allergen or irritant) that your body thinks is bad. Common allergens include perfume, plants, jewelry,


IBS – Irritable Bowel Syndrome

No – don’t eat there!  Are there places you know to avoid, certain cooks, restaurants or food?  Ever wonder why it only bothers you and not others? Do you have a sensitive gut and need to run to the loo?  Perhaps your sensitivity has a label, irritable bowel syndrome.   Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) affects

Kevin Melnyk

Prepare for Combat – Vaccinate

Are you prepared for combat?  Immunization is the way to fortify your personal defenses.  As with any battle, knowing your enemy is your best defense.  It is no different when it comes to our bodies. It is as natural as breastfeeding when a mother passes important antibodies to the baby.  After infancy, we can produce

Karim Atta

Pharmacy Awareness

Pharmacy has come a long way.  From the practice of providing herbs and compounding remedies, to assessing medication use and providing injections.  The focus from medicine in pharmacy now has expanded to work with other health practitioners, to ensure efficient access for you to pursue wellness, health care, and services.   The education of pharmacists

Jean Brisson

Eye Health

Our eyes are generally pretty good at taking care of themselves.  However, eye care should be part of your regular routine. Vision will decline with age, but we can prevent damage and slow the decline.  Take time to perform daily care for your eyes, and continue to take in the wonders that sight can bring.

Chris Johnson

Cold – When to See a Doctor

Feeling miserable with a cold?  Has someone in your family struck down with the cold?  You can’t cure the common cold, but when should you seek professional advice?   Symptoms of a cold generally improve after 3 days, but some symptoms such as congestion and coughing may persist much longer.  Generally, a cold will resolve

Eugene Patel

Winter Blues

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is a form of depression.  With winter it’s not uncommon to feel a bit down. However, winter blues should be taken seriously if it affects your daily activities, or you feel depressed beyond a few days.  Mood changes that are causing problems at home or work, feeling unusually tired, having depressive

Syed Zubair Ahmad

Muscle Soreness

Blanket of snow, it’s off to work we go.  At some time during the season, you will have more snow than you can shovel in a mere few minutes.  You know it all too well, it’s going to be a hurting day.   Sore muscles may be perceived as a badge earned through hard work,

Leslie Palmer Hasselfield Drugs

Smoke Cessation

Thinking about kicking the habit?  That’s a better start than you may think.  Take it to the next level, and start talking about it.  Tell everyone what you hope to do, and as you get used to the idea, start talking about a quit date.  Use the people around you to motivate and keep you

Roses Stewart

Holiday Self Care

Winter holidays can add stress. impact your enjoyment of the season and daily activities. Self-care at this time of year requires more effort, but you can’t take care of others if you aren’t well. Take steps to mitigate stress, before it overwhelms you. Here are a few tips: Focus on the people close to you